The Katy North Academy of Dance was founded in 1990 by Lynn Armsby who ran the school under the name L.A Dance Club. In April 2013, Lynn decided to concentrate on her career as a university lecturer and left the school in the hands of Katy North who had been teaching and managing the dance school at the time. When the school first opened it focused on Freestyle and Latin American classes but over the years it has become known for its Street Dance classes. The aim of The Katy North Academy of Dance is to create a fun and friendly environment for students of all ages to learn a skill and develop a passion.
At the Katy North Academy of Dance all our teachers are qualified with the International Dance Teachers Association and complete an in-house training programme
We run a comphrensive examination system which whilst not compulsory gives the students confidence and provides us with a good structure to our teaching. We hold regular shows, giving students the opportunity to dance on stage

To help our new and younger students we have members of our older classes helping them in their classes. Crew members are chosen in recognition of their hard work and behaviour in their own classes. This is a great stepping stone for our teacher training programme.